Natural Health Information Articles

Raising A Baby on Homeopathy

Raising A Baby on Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a like-treat-like treatment that is found to be remarkably successful in all childhood ailments. This is due to the fact babes and children respond well and quickly to homeopathic remedies, probably due to the fact that their systems are comparatively unspoilt from eating unsuitable foods and chemicals, apart from the drugs that mother took during pregnancy.

Each child in the beginning of their life has identifiable responses, which can be easily treated in order to avoid any health crisis. Whereas, general health shows in the temperament; a well child is contented, an unhealthy baby will be grizzly, underweight and have poor bowel movements. So how can you tell what remedies to give a baby or small child, as they cannot speak, nor explain what is happening to them? A baby simply responds by crying, the small child grizzles and creates mood swings, can sleep more and has frequent rises in body temperature.

It is always important to determine the cause of any ailment whenever possible, for instance milk allergies, whereas environmental causes are more challenging to find. This is where Homeopathic remedies come into play.  Homeopathy are easy to give, quick to witness a response and have no side effects in low doses.

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