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Bright Yellow Bowel Motions
Q - I am a 55 year-old vegetarian, married with four adult children. Eighteen months ago, I developed definite symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome – diarrhoea, frequent motions, bloating, wind, distension and sometimes undigested foods in my motions. Previous to this, there has been a gradual weight increase, an increase in bloating and some yellow bowel motions. Solutions are in the mail article.
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Bright Yellow Bowel Motions
Q - I am a 55 year-old vegetarian, married with four adult children. Eighteen months ago, I developed definite symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome –…
Food Intolerances, or is it Food Allergies?
Childhood is the period of life when allergies to certain foods are most prevalent, but the majority of food allergies are outgrown as the child’s…
Join the Food Revolution
Eating good healthy food should be one of the major ways of keeping ourselves healthy.