Natural Health Information Articles

Parkinsons Disease - A holistic approach

Parkinsons Disease - A holistic approach
Parkinson’s disease used to be a malady of the aged but not anymore as it is afflicting younger and younger patients, without any social preference, age or station in life. So we have had to accept the shocking realisation that Parkinson’s is afflicting young and old alike.

Statistics point to the fact that careless use of chemical’s, drug abuse and toxic elements in our environment are responsible for the alarmingly amount of younger diagnosed cases of Parkinson’s. As a result of medical research the doctors have learnt that chemical inter-reaction is a major contributor to brain damage with Parkinson’s patients. As a outcome of this discovery some doctors are now recommending that drug therapy be started later in the symptom pattern as possible, which is why it is important to take a more holistic approach to this debilitating disease. There are a range of herbal compounds, nutritional support and therapies that have had centuries of use in such a disease.

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