Natural Health Information Articles

Homeopathic Help for Drug Users

Homeopathic Help for Drug Users
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that assists a person’s body to heal itself gently and rapidly - also known as isopathy, the ‘like cure like’ treatment. Physical, emotional and psychological problems are often helped when a selected remedy is given. In this article, Angela Hair discusses some of the ways homeopathy can be helpful to people who have had problems since taking recreational drugs.

Whether conventionally prescribed or taken recreationally, drugs serve a purpose in life that can be both beneficial and destructive. The range of drugs we are exposed to through advertising, shopping and in our social circles is increasing – often coffee, tea, tobacco and alcohol, to marijuana, methamphetamine, party pills and cocaine, to name a few of those available for recreation. Add to this list antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs, painkillers and vaccines, and one starts to realise that our potential exposure to drugs is enormous. Of particular concern are the many combinations and mixes of drugs that people are taking which will be creating an enormous load on the body’s ability to cleanse, restore and rejuvenate. The long-term effects of prolonged drug use are well-known. As individual organs cease to carry out essential functions, the immune system begins to break down completely and people eventually die from auto-toxic results such as heart failure and emphysema, etc. This is where homeopathic medicines can help.

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