Natural Health Information Articles

Childhood Tantrums

Childhood Tantrums
There is that moment in time when your child, or the child you are looking after is building up for a tantrum. Every child at some stage of there childhood (even as an older child) will throw a tantrum. A tantrum is when a child exhibits an uncontrollable physical, emotional outburst of noisy, sometimes tearful and frustrated bout of anger called a temper tantrum when they also stamp their feet or throw items around.

This meltdown can come in surprising shapes and volumes, sometimes involving unreasonable explosions of screaming and yelling - so what do you do?

A small child has little ability to regulate a disappointment or deal with a ‘bad’ feeling so they express themselves in a brain response overload manner; they throw a tantrums. Basically, small children have no way of controlling or regulating behaviour when they haven’t found the words to express how they feel - older children can as well. Generally, in most cases a child will throw a tantrum for basic reasons and they are because they are tired, thirsty, hungry, or need to go to the toilet, so it is very important to pre-empt each of these possible senarios, especially when away from home. The sibling tantrum is another area to address, as that’s about something ‘that’s mine’. It’s all about distractions.

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