Natural Health Information Articles

ADHD Recovery

Willy’s story of hope, as told by his father, Allen Darman Pges 28-29 Healthy Options mag. March 07.

ADHD Recovery
The beauty of my son’s recovery story is that he essentially healed himself. I may have taught him what he needed to know, but as a non-custodial parent, I did not have the liberty to apply alternative medicine to my son, nor take him to an alternative doctor.

Every time I see my son, I realise that I am witnessing a miracle. Willy’s recovery from ADHD and childhood bipolar disorder over 28 months has been no less than miraculous. Willy had gone from being severe learning impaired to making the ‘Honour Roll’, twice. He also went from being nearly the weakest child in his class to the second strongest. Willy won four academic awards in June at the completion of ninth grade, including the Principal’s Award, which is the most prestigious award as only four children out of over 200 received this award.

My son has certainly come a long way from being a sickly child diagnosed with ADHD, taking Ritalin® for four and half years and failing third grade. Full story in the main article.

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